Here is my desperate attempt to catch up on my blog posts. Hopefully I will have two posted between today and tomorrow so I can be on track before our traveling madness starts. First, let me explain our traveling extravaganza. This Thursday night I will be on an overnight bus down to Phuket to celebrate New Years with three other girls from my program. We will be there until Monday morning when we return back to Suphanburi. Ciana and I will teach classes on Tuesday, then leave Tuesday night to head up to Chiang Mai (our Wednesday-Friday classes were cancelled because all of our students are taking exams.) We will return on Sunday, teach Monday and Tuesday, and then leave again Tuesday night mostly likely for Koh Phi Phi (again our Wednesday-Friday classes were cancelled because the students are going to scout camp.) Soo basically if I don't catch up now I feel like I will forever be behind, so here it goes...
The weekend of December 17th a bunch of us decided to stay in Suphanburi to save money and relax a little bit. Friday was the first truly cool day we've had since we got here, so when we went out that night we had the pleasure of being comfortable in jeans and a cardigan (it was amazing!) A bunch of us went out to dinner then headed to two different bars around town. While we were at the first bar, I had the opportunity to try dried squid. The picture says it all...

(Olivia loved it, I thought it was disgusting, haha)
All in all it was a nice night out on the town. Saturday we relaxed, ran some errands and went to bed early to prepare for our adventure the next day, the Jim Thompson farm. This is an organic farm our coordinator wanted to take us to. Jim Thompson is a famous British artist in Thailand, many people go to see his house in Bangkok, who incorporates art into his organic farm. It is only open 3 weeks out of the year to tourists, and it happened to open that weekend. So Sunday morning we were picked up at 5am and started on the 3 hour van ride to the farm. Let me tell you, Thais do road trips very differently then we do in my family. We literally stopped every half an hour to get food or walk around or get gas. This made sleeping very difficult. Then, once we finally get going and are almost there, the van breaks down. We end up pulling over and up to a roadside mechanic. They jack up the van (with 9 of us in it) and proceed to work on it for an hour. So now we are all stuck in a stuffy van for an hour while they figure out whats wrong. Finally they fix the problem and we are on our way again. Once we get there we immediately realize we were foolish for thinking it would be like an organic farm in the states. It is basically patches of flowers or pumpkins and a bus that takes you between them all. The whole set up is geared for tourists and displaying art, not at all for farming, so we were a little disappointed. Regardless, we decided to embrace this touristy farm and take some pretty ridiculous true Thai style.

Loving relaxing on the was underneath a house on stilts, one of the many art installments

Ryan (a teacher who came with us from Suphanburi) and me playing in the pumpkin patch.
(Thai people, for whatever reason, LOVE putting pumpkins on their heads)

Olivia, Ryan and me relaxing on a bean bag pumpkin
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